We are inherently Wretched. In the way we move, breathe, act, become. We are capable of great sin because we are so capable of great love. Does this not make us wretched? We are wretched in our morals, wretched in our minds, wretched in our sorrows, and even more so in our joys. To be made Wretched is to be made human, to have the choice to do things as exactly as this. To be a wretch is to be mortal. So we ask you not to forget, as you look, hear, and judge, that the wretch in front of you may be your own reflection.
Wretched - Part 1 of our 7th and final issue of Forget-Me-Not Press brings together 28 artists and writers into the wretchedness of humanity - exploring their stories, experiences, families, morals, loves, and occasionally reflections.
Come on and be wretched, readers, its only forever.