The Wretched

By Esther Fisher

He was the wretched man that threw it all away

The fame, the fortune, the freedom

He allowed Eve to give him the apple in the garden

Knowing what would become of them already

The apple was bitter but soothed by the sweetness of her lips

Soul singing, heartstrings like a violin

He held her as they fell

History would call the wretched woman

The downfall of a perfect paradise

But his was the choice that made it so

First bite, no regrets in his heart

If his love was his downfall then so be it

Never could divine intervention change the heart of a man

Never could he be wretched if his love and embrace held the sweetness of her soul

Esther Fisher is a graduate of York University with a BA in English and Creative Writing. She loves ballroom dancing, tiaras, and is obsessed with the RMS Titanic and Anastasia Romanov. She has been published with Forget-Me-not Press, Poetry Undressed, Humana Obscura, Firefly Magazine, The Graveyard Zine and The Garden of Venus Zine. Her first novel Resurrection will be release in October 2024. She lives in Toronto.

Instagram: @e.f.fisher


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