Giovanna Ferrari

A Bouquet of Flowers and Ash

Mixed Media on Canvas
24 x 20 in

“In a haunting painting, a volcano erupts with a dreadful fury. Amidst the chaos, the eruption grotesquely resembles a bouquet of flowers, with fiery reds, menacing yellows, and ominous oranges contorted into twisted, unnatural forms. The volcanic ash and smoke billow violently, their dark, suffocating presence a stark contrast to the perverse beauty of the floral illusion. This nightmarish scene emphasizes the wretchedness of the volcano, capturing the destructive force of nature in a disturbingly beautiful yet profoundly unsettling tableau.”

As the Earth Burns

Mixed Media on Canvas (Diptych)
60 x 30 in (x2)

“The earth is depicted in its final moments of apocalyptic destruction, engulfed in relentless flames. The landscape is a hellscape of burning forests, consumed by an inferno that spares nothing in its path. Trees are reduced to ash leaving a barren, charred wasteland. The sky, once blue and life-giving, is now a thick, oppressive blanket of smoke and ash, casting an eerie, suffocating darkness over the scene. This powerful artwork serves as a chilling reminder of the fragility of our planet, illustrating the catastrophic consequences of unchecked destruction and the haunting beauty found in the end of all things.”


“My painting style is a manifestation of my subconscious, where each brushstroke emerges as an extension of my inner world. Art, to me, is akin to meditation, flowing from the heart with an effortless grace that transcends conscious thought. In this sacred process, there are no mistakes, only divine inspirations that guide my hand. Every color, texture, and form is a reflection of my deepest emotions and thoughts, weaving together a tapestry that speaks directly to the soul. This intuitive approach allows my creativity to flourish, unbound by convention, resulting in artworks that resonate with a profound sense of authenticity and spiritual connection.”

Giovanna Ferrari

Giovanna, originally from Milan, Italy, is an artist and digital designer based in Pittsburgh, PA. While she has been experimenting with various forms of art media from a young age, photography, acting, performance art, and painting, her passion for art truly blossomed during the Covid pandemic. In just a few years, she has produced a considerable amount of work, which has enabled her to host two solo shows and participate in multiple national and international group shows. Her art focuses on exploringthe subconscious journey of the soul to produce authentic art without judgement.




Guilt in the Pastoral