
By Sophia Jamali Soufi

At the end of all the goings, you reach the repetition of silence

Lonely thoughts march in your loneliness

Full of dead moments

Full of dead words

Full of dead laughs

Among the symphony of crickets

You forget memories

You forget the seasons

You forget the time

You reach the repetition of silence, the end of all departures...

I am Sophia Jamali Soufi. I was born in Rasht, Iran . I’m 22 years old. I am an architect. Since childhood, I was very interested in writing poetry and reading books And my first writing was at the age of 10. When I started writing, I wrote mostly short stories and texts, and it has been four years since I started writing poetry, My first book titled "Sophia's Memoirs" was published last year. The main language of my poems is Persian and my poems have been translated into English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Turkish, German and published in many literary magazines and websites.



