Fallen Bridges

By Ry Forsythe

a lie is to say it’s okay,

it’s okay,

it’s okay…

He did what His parents did, 

He pushed too far, 

too far, 

too far…

He wanted Her to fall

Never cleared air on silent drives over drowned Iron Workers, would just say what She had to do, 

what to do, 

 what to do…

She don’t know

the history 

too well.

Words left unsaid 

lead to distance, 

where silence echoes, echoes, 


now there is

      nothing left

    because words 

        can’t rebuild 

Fallen Bridges

Ry Forsythe is a non-binary outreach worker with degrees in Sociology and Creative Writing, which helped them shape many of the speculative stories they write or think about. They live on unceded stolen lands of indigenous peoples up in what is colonially known as British Columbia, Canada. When Ry isn’t working on stories within the genres of fabulism, science fiction or speculative fiction, they are blocking hours of their day to draw their characters, play video games and watch anime.

Instagram: @ryter_artist

TikTok: @ryter_artist

Twitter: @ryter_artist


The Wretched Nightmare


A Nuanced Nuage