Is to be human not to be divine? Or is it human to grasp at divinity, attempting to understand the ineffable? Divinity is captured in stories, legends, and faiths, swirling around in the cosmos of humanity because to be human is to be in reach of divinity. We stretch and yearn for a great incomprehensible to explain the love, loss, tragedy, humility, desperation, joys, and magnificence of human life. Unable to be defined, but able to be found, Divinity can be seen in the walks of life, in all its love and cruelty as we attempt to understand what it could mean to “be” forever.
Divine - Part 2 of our 7th and final issue of Forget-Me-Not Press brings together 20 artists and writers to explore our Divinity in its obscurity through our stories, loves, losses, families, friends, obscurities, and phenomena.
Come along, reader, it’s only for a human lifetime.