Reverend Toddy Hoare

The Good Shepherd

“John 10, vv1-18; Psalm 23;”

Wedding Peccioli

I conducted this wedding and did the watercolour from memory/impression.


“I try to express and reflect on faith through poetry that I sometimes use in worship having moved on from previously doing so in the 3D of sculpture. I remain a priest and I see my calling as making people think. Recently I completed a sonnet on every Psalm (all 150) as a supplement not a substitution to stimulate thought on them without daunting folk by their length.”

Reverend Toddy Hoare

I trained as a sculptor, served as a soldier, earned my living as a priest which combined all the things I had done before ordination. Having retired from full time rural parish ministry in North Yorkshire I took up the pen again to write more poetry, in itself sometimes a prayer too, and useful as I still take services so have the pleasure without the responsibility. Sculpture and printing continue.




Divine Light