Mama na Mjesecu

Ashlynn Doljac

Mixed media on multipurpose paper
22 x 33

Since before I could remember, my mom would take me outside after her evening shift to look at the moon. Together we would marvel and muse at its luminous glow. This piece is an ode to lineage, and the love of a mother passed through generations in my family history. My mom's love is that like the moon
Constantly moving through phases. Coming in and out of wholeness. Passing from woman to woman, the moon is an emblem of the magic and love that transcends time and space.A mother's love is the most full moon I have ever experienced. Blossoming in my heart it is one of the most beautiful bonds that exists in this universe.

Ashlynn Doljac

Ashlynn likes to dream through vivid colours and unlimited possibilities. She is a multi-disciplinary artist, poet, and dreamer whose work centres on the notion of humans as storytellers, through embodied art-making connected to the earth. She works through various multi-media to interpret the nuanced ebbs and flows of the world around her.  For Ashlynn, art is a vehicle to transport, translate, and transform ideas of life, love, loss, and finding her voice through imaginative avenues. 



The Breath of the Stars

