Soar M12, M29, and M14 - Landscapes of Imagination

Sharon Reeber

Monotype and Collagraph

As I create landscape images using the monotype process I draw on memory and imagination to create spaces that resonate with me emotionally.  Colors and shapes suggest the light of dawn or dusk, liminal times that signal a transition and a shift in mood.  The process of making singular printed images compels me to be inventive and spontaneous, since working time is limited as the printing inks begin to dry and set. A hybrid between painting and printmaking, these images arise in the moment of creation.   I can incorporate mark-making with collagraph techniques that use plant materials I gather on the way to the studio which become part of the matrix.

Soar M14, monotype and collagraph on paper, 2019

Sharon Reeber

A native New Yorker, Sharon Reeber is an artist and art historian in the Kansas City, Missouri area. Her work in painting, mixed media, and printmaking draws from a variety of sources, including observation of the natural environment, world landscape painting and mandala traditions, and color theories. She was recently honored to receive a Morris Graves Foundation Artist Residency and has traveled and studied in Europe and Asia. Her work is included in corporate and private collections in the U.S. and Europe, including Kaiser-Permanente (Kansas City) and Gleiss-Lutz (Stuttgart) and has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibits. Reeber currently teaches at the Kansas City Art Institute.  She holds an M.A. from the University of Missouri – Kansas City and B.A. from Tufts University, and studied art history at the Eberhard-Karls Universitaet in Tuebingen, Germany. Her scholarly writing on German modernism has been published in international journals in Germany and China.

Instagram: @sharonreeber


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