The Love We Made

By The Ordinary Poet


Those sweetest times in memories stay

from when we two together lay

witnessing the dawning sun

watching clouds till day was done

and in those sweetest moments lie

the knowledge if I were to die

it would be that a life lived full

would be my thought within the cull

for I can never feel again

those moments of exquisite pain

when as lovers we two laid

and revelled in the love we made.

Michael Paul Brigden writes under the pen name 'The Ordinary Poet'. Michael's poems have been published in a variety of journals and anthologies including Songs of Peace (The World's biggest Poetry Anthology 2020), In the Memory of Trayvon Martin (2017), Whispers Journal (2018), Equipoise (Amazon 2018), Poets Pond Volume 2 (Xpress Publishing), Break The Silence (Amazon 2020), Poetica Volume 2 (Amazon 2019), Scarlet Leaf Review (2017) and Depression is What Really Killed the Dinosaurs (Amazon 2021).ted within his body of work.

Twitter: @TheOrdindaryPoet

Instagram: @the_ordindary _poet

Facebook: The Ordinary Poet


The Heat of Summer


For The Longing of Warm Rays