Places Where Home Exists

Mouli Paul



My work in this project discusses the notions of home and belonging in a place where I do not belong. Through the exploration of portraiture, inhabited spaces of comfort and

objects which hold memories, I am trying to seek a sense of fulfillment and a feeling of being at home. My current practice is deeply rooted in exploring themes based on liminality

and displacement that occur amongst people who inhabit transitional spaces. How do displaced individuals build their home in a place where they don’t belong?I am keen to

understand the relation between objects, memory and what kind of emotions are triggered when you come in contact with old clothing, heirloom objects and old photographs? Do

they remind you of home and serve as a healer to cope with homesickness and melancholy?


Mouli Paul is a photographer from India and currently doing her Masters in Photography from Plymouth College of Art. Having worked as a commercial photographer for the last 5

years, she moved to the UK six months back to hone her skills and work on her personal project which she had been aiming to do for years. Her personal work mostly centres

around her own travel experiences and currently it has taken more of a documentary approach focusing on socially engaged photography.



One Day, Another Lifetime


How Connected Can We Be