Gold, Please Stay

By Sophie Marlowe


take me back to the night

when you ran along the shore

smile wide when the water

tickled your toes before

you grabbed my arm and

pulled me along to dance

across the sand

-only we didn't dance

we stumbled

and laughed-

to the beat of the

crashing waves and

we felt the tension in

the atmosphere as the

storm finally arrived

but we didn't mind

and still we moved

to the music

of the rain

and the wind

and the even harsher waves

for we didn't have a care to give

as long as we were

together and happy


but now she's gone

for nothing gold

can stay and

when she went

she took

all the gold my heart held.


Sophie Marlowe (she/her) is a York-based writer in her second year of Creative Writing at York St John. Her writing typically takes influence from folklore, mythology, and superstition due to her passionate interest in them. She’s also interested in writing about mental health, feminism, and LGBTQ+. Sophie has a poem published in York St John’s Beyond the Walls 2022 anthology and Reaper Press’ Stories From Under the Bed anthology.

Twitter: @Sophie_Marlowe


The Golden Age of Arthur


Nothing Gold Will Last